white wash

January 08, 2012

Aloha! Day 7

Day 7: Shark Tour, Wimea Falls, Dinner, and a Movie

Early in the morning on our 7th day we were feeling very adventurous! We had planned the day before to go on a shark tour this day and we were both pumped. We drove to our destination, got out of the car, and boarded the boat. I'm not sure if it was just a cool morning or if my nerves were getting the better of me but it was chilly.

The pictures do not depict how choppy the water was when we were on the boat. In fact it looks fairly calm... how disturbing. The waves were actually huge, crashing into the side of the boat hard. I felt like we were in a movie, stuck at sea due to weather conditions with sharks circling around our ship. I swear the waves could have climbed right over the side of the wall and sunk us if they got even one foot higher!

Our shark buddy:
I started to feel really sea sick and all of the sudden ran to the side of the boat to throw up. This made me and all the other passengers terrified because the captain of the ship warned us before we stopped that sharks are attracted to stomach acid just like they are blood! Sadly I could only make it to the side that people were jumping in the water. The sharks swarmed around us. My barf buddy and I (there were two of us) counted 12 sharks on that one side in all. Its amazing how close you feel to someone when they are in your same situation. The barf buddy I mentioned earlier became a real friend by the end of the trip.

I'm a little embarrassed to mention this next part... The crew of the ship reminded me over and over to use the other side of the ship as my personal toilet as I threw up. I didn't think I could make it to the other side... or even take a few steps. I was buckled over so bad. My sweet hubby tried to help me over there but I couldn't make it in time. I spewed everything I had left in my poor little stomach over 4 feet in front of me onto this poor baby, sitting in her car seat. She must have felt as sick as me rocking in her seat in the middle of the boat. She looked a greenish color. I felt so bad for her. I'm not sure why a baby was aboard in the first place :/ Not the best place for a child if you ask me. I wanted to tell her mother.

After the baby incident, I miraculously felt much better. It was now our turn. With stomach juices floating in the water near us, we climbed into the shark cage... (gross I know but I was looking at this as a once in a lifetime opportunity!)

Do you see those bars? Nothing in between them to keep your floating limbs away from rows and rows of teeth. As I put my snorkel ready face under water to see the sharks around us, my sweet hubby next to me accidentally stuck one of his feet outside the cage- a strict rule mentioned briefly as we sailed out to sea. A large shark turned its nose and barreled directly toward him just as I pulled him in! It was terrifying!

I thought he may have done this intentionally to scare me. I'm not really sure why I thought this- its not really his nature to do such a thing. He looked shocked at my reaction as I grabbed his leg and pulled him out of the water. I pulled his face out of water to tell him how inappropriate of a joke that was! I have never been more mad at him in my life! This was not the time to joke! As I explained what happened, he smiled. He felt loved. He explained that he didn't mean to scare me or put his leg out of the cage and reminded me over and over that he was sorry. It took me a minute to cool down. My new husband would be missing a leg had I not gone with him that day... scary to think about. After the incident, we promised to be more careful with our lives and proceeded with MUCH more caution.

I was expecting to be scared out of my mind for sure but only in the good way (if there is such a thing)- like when you walk through a haunted house knowing that the spooky creatures can't legally touch you or something. This was a different kind of scare. It was very real. The sharks were huge! Their mouths were opened and rows of teeth exposed! The thing that freaked me out the most was their beedy little eyes. What creepy looking creatures! God was right in making them look so scary, with all the damage they can do.

Despite how terrible I felt on board and how scared I was out in the water, I had a great experience. It was absolutely amazing to see so many death traps swirling around our cage. My prayers were answered and we made it through alive. The boat ride back was just as bumpy and it took me a while of sitting on dry land to get my bearings back to normalcy. Next time, if there is a next time, I'm bringing dramamine!

We decided next to do something more chill...

We walked along the beach for a while thinking of what to do.

The scenery was beautiful!

We had so much fun hiking to our other waterfall that we decided to ask locals where to find another one.
Again, the plants here were amazing!

We found the falls and decided to take a swim...

The rest of the day was pretty chill. I had had enough adventure for one day. We walked around town, ate a little thai food, and finished the night off with a movie. :)

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